Our Policies
I Media/Images Policy
- We will emphasize relevancy and clarity in our images
- By-lines with be included in our images
- We will use Images legally
- The whole story doesn’t have to be in one picture
II News Article Policy
- Keep private alterations and fights within Westwood High School w. 2. Highlight and credit sources
- 3. Articles are heavily looked over prior to publication
- We will not include personal information or “off the record” information
- Identify sources, clearly, the public is entitled to as much information as possible to judge the reliability and motivations of the source
III Interview and Feature Policy
- Interviewers are responsible for not utilizing language that offends or harms the interviewees
- Keep in mind cultural preferences, religion, sexual orientation, and race when asking specific questions
- Consider the person’s privacy and preference when gathering information during interviews
- Always use the information to highlight the person rather than discourage or harm a person’s character
IV Journalist Personal Policy
- When interviewing and covering stories come in a presentable attire
- Complete assignments with effort and enthunamism
- Never plagiarize always attribute
- Should be able to give a detailed explanation of the information that they give
- Be timely when covering stories and hosting interviews
V Advertisement Policy
- People would give honest reviews about the things they are advertising, but won’t make it overly negative
- Journalists should remain unbiased and should not favor one Westwood program over the other
- Do not give special treatment to advertisers donors or any other groups and stand against any pressure to change how you feel that’s a good one
- Avoid mixing news information with advertisements whilst still giving credits